Actor Yomi Fabiyi’s call for the arrest of Comedian Princess and others connected to the matter has ignited a heated debate on social media.
The controversial statement made by Fabiyi drew mixed reactions from the public, sparking a series of intense discussions surrounding the case.
Yomi Fabiyi, known for his vocal nature on social issues, has been a staunch advocate for justice since Baba Ijesha was sentence to jail.
He took to his various social media platforms to express his concerns and demand transparency in the legal process.
If a man is a flirt or suspected of any sexual abuse by friends/investigators is lured into a closed door in 100% privacy, with a female victim that has every features of an adult. And there is confirmation the victim coached/instructed to consistently lead the target on until touched has ignited suspicion of AN ORGANISED CRIME.
Flirting is a civil, social culture and NOT a crime. It only becomes criminal if the victim is an extremely obvious child/proven underage. That means the suspect is a PEADOPHILE, as no one should be sexually attracted to a child under any circumstances except in movies.
In a case of a minor(with every features of an adult) where no evidence, the suspect has an idea of the real age and if established that an outright deception and deliberate attempt was forced on the minor to break the emotional limit of the defendant and conceal her age, it becomes an organised crime, particularly if the authourities aren’t aware before the set up, the prerequisites for such action is erroed and it has no propensity in law. Parental negligence also established and must be punishd
To lure and invariably film the sexual process and abuse is CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. Those who organize THE SET UP are “accessory after the fact” and MUST be punished.
If the suspect is now tortured into confession, that is TRIAL BY ORDEAL. Then, subjecting an innocent underage to trauma and PTSD is the cruelest. Perpetrators MUST face multiple charges. If in the case of two adults, recording them secretly is wrong, especially when both are in reasonable privacy and consent was not absent.
However, it is plain criminal defamation if the girl’s age is falsified or hidden just to demonize and possibly use the court to sentence the target to prison. The worst situation is if the victim or so has no previous report or evidence known to the law enforcement. Verbal accusations are insufficient and could be false alarm.
It is wrong to AMBUSH ANYONE INTO MISFORTUNE, if not we will continue to plague our society with miscarriage of justice. Human rights and Rule of law are sacrosanct.
Yomi Fabiyi..Convener, Break The Silence Foundation (Est. 2018)”
However, his recent call for the immediate arrest of Comedian Princess, who accused Baba Ijesha of molesting her foster daughter, has stirred the online community.
See reactions below:
– Even if they planned it,Is this man so stupid to fall for it?? Not even with an adult Buh with a small girl😏 definitely he has no self control..just like u i think!
– This yomi na mumu…as dem set ham up so na dem still set ham make he touch d girl…at least we all saw the video..
– How is Princess sleeping at night know she put another man in jail is unfathomable,if God is like us all no one will be alive today.,.we all sin but differently
– U said the fact and let the unfortunate people cry 😢 I appreciate having someone standing by u while going through alots I salute your courage and I know this will be checked and they will get arrested
– The truth must be told either the girl is 18 or below … Haba! Is too bad making such attempt to ur colleague daughter now.
– Bro under age is under age planed or not planed. You shouldn’t be caught around underage doing such. He his lucky he his in nigeria. Ask the like of RKelly