You know that feeling when you are jumping up in excitement and happiness and all of a sudden, burst into tears??
That’s what happened to me few minutes ago.
I can’t believe we are getting all this grown.
Today being one of the most important days of your life, I’d like to celebrate you, and tell the world how proud I am to be called your sister.
I know you have had tough days.
Days your wish Dad was here.
Days you feel like you are not doing enough,
Like you got it wrong,
But all through these days, you carried on with faith.
You waited when others were in haste.
You deserve these better days.
I’d like to let you know, I am very proud of you.
I’m proud of the man you have been,
The man you are, and the man God is shaping you to be.
I’m proud of the fact that every single days of you being my brother, you have always given me reasons to be proud to point at you and say, “…Yeah, that’s my kid brother.”
From when you always pack almost all the gift prizes for all subject during end of the year school celebration, from primary to secondary, from sometimes representing your school, from, you helping me with my maths while i was in secondary school and you were in primary. (PS: Kin se pe mi o mo Iwe na o, mi o Kan mo Maths ni) From you seeing yourself through Uni after dad died, trying to figure out different jobs and businesses, till now that you brought into the family, one of the most beautiful, cheerful and diligent young women I have ever met. I am so proud of you both.
And I wish you an unending love and happiness.
From when you always pack almost all the gift prizes for all subject during end of the year school celebration, from primary to secondary, from sometimes representing your school, from, you helping me with my maths while i was in secondary school and you were in primary. (PS: Kin se pe mi o mo Iwe na o, mi o Kan mo Maths ni) From you seeing yourself through Uni after dad died, trying to figure out different jobs and businesses, till now that you brought into the family, one of the most beautiful, cheerful and diligent young women I have ever met. I am so proud of you both.
And I wish you an unending love and happiness.