In her words; “Yoruba can greet eeh, I haven’t stepped out for like 2 days, and then I went out to buy something and the woman who was selling akara says, Eku ise ana (welldone for yesterday’s work.
“Did you see me yesterday? did I see you?, did we see we, Ekuse ana for what?, why do you want to EKU all of us? welldone for yesterday’s work “greetings as you seated,
welldone for eating, well done for standing up, well for traveling., well done everything eku byeeeee.”
As expected, the video of Chioma sparked mixed reactions online, while some said it is a cultural trait among the Yoruba people to always greet someone, others claimed that the greetings of Yoruba people are always fake in nature.
Speaking further, Chioma utters that Yoruba people can use the word “Eku” to wound someone meaning they can greet you as a person while seated, eating, standing up, while traveling even when going anywhere.
She continues; “Why do you want to EKU all of us? welldone for yesterday’s work “greetings as you seated, welldone for eating, welldoen for standing up, well for travelling., well done everything.”
Chioma however concluded the video by saying “Eku byeee’”
Watch the video below;